Argiano est considéré comme un lieu ancien, riche en histoire, où les sages croyaient trouver l’Ara Jani, l’autel légendaire du dieu romain Janus. C’est au sommet d’une superbe colline, au sud-ouest de Montalcino, que fut construite pendant la Renaissance la magnifique Villa d’Argiano par les Peccis, une famille noble originaire de Sienne. Ayant appartenu à la famille Pecci pendant plusieurs décennies, la Villa est ensuite revenue aux comtes de Pieri, qui l’ont transmise au marquis de Ballanti Merli et à la duchesse de Caetani, puis aux comtes Lovatelli. En 1992, elle a été acquise par la comtesse Noemi Marone Cinzano.

Évaluations pour ce domaine

Wine Advocate

Argiano is one of the most important estates in Montalcino. It is located in the southwest quadrant and sees most of its vineyards at 300 meters above sea level, on a flat plateau with beautiful views and a protected microclimate. The Amiata mountain in the distance blocks much of the incoming bad weather... Since 2014, there have been many important changes at Argiano. A new underground winery is complete and is used solely for the production of top wines Solengo and Brunello di Montalcino. The Sangiovese aging regime has moved from French barrique to large oak casks. The estate recently added seven new hectares of Sangiovese, planted according to a strict mapping of micro zones. Argiano started organic farming in 2012 and earned its certificate [in 2016].

Monica Larner, Février 2017


"Argiano continues to show that their evolution away from small oak barrels and focus on organic farming and soil studies in the vineyards are creating a whole new era for the winery. Today the wines are centered more on purity and terroir while performing at the highest level..."

Eric Guido, Décembre 2022

Wine Spectator

"In the world of wine, a change of ownership or a stylistic paradigm shift can reap huge benefits, but there are always risks. In the case of Argiano, change has paid off in spades, as new owners arrived with a commitment to a return to a more traditional expression of Brunello..."

Bruce Sanderson, Juin 2023