Cabernet Franc Appellation Series San Carlos 2019


Cabernet Franc Appellation Series San Carlos

  • Durable


* Prix de détail suggéré

63 caisses disponibles

Code produit
12 x 750ml
Type d'approvisionnement
Commande Spéciale
Type de produit
Vin tranquille
Désignation réglementée
Indication géographique (IG)
Valle de Uco
Cabernet Franc 100 %
Site web du producteur

Information sur le domaine

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Revues de presse

James Suckling

- 92 points -

Avril 2021

Dark berries, such as blackberries, with hints of lemon grass and violets on the nose, following through to a medium body with fine tannins and a fresh, bright finish. Pretty balance to this. Supple.

Voir la revue de presse détaillée

- 92 points -

Août 2021 (Millésime 2019)

The San Carlos Vineyard in the Uco Valley, near the foot of the Andes, is rich in sand and calcareous deposits and that’s evident in this cabernet franc, a variety that seems to be very comfortable at those heights (more than 1,000 meters up) and in those mountain desert conditions in Uco, in southern Mendoza. The tannins have the texture of chalk, while the flavors are ripe and tempered by the local sun. The herbal notes of cabernet franc appear toward the end of the finish, providing freshness and complexity

Voir la revue de presse détaillée

- 91 points -

Octobre 2020 (Millésime 2019)

A Cabernet Franc from San Carlos in the Uco Valley, aged in 35% French oak. A wine born of the sun and the cold, offering aromas of raspberry and sour cherry contained within cigar box notes. Smooth on the palate, delivering well-calibrated freshness and firm, fine, grippy tannins that emphasize an open, diaphanous expression with just a little hint of chalk. A flavorful wine.

Voir la revue de presse détaillée